Here you are the link to see a bit more about what I explained in class:
- For a general explanation: the difference between prepositional and phrasal verbs: click here but if you want to have a much larger explanation, try this.
In my opinion, the best way to study this point of grammar is starting by the particle. There are more particles and more verbs, but here you are some links to start with:
- AWAY: here you are some
- BACK: here you have an explanation
- DOWN: this one is in Spanish but very clear
- IN: click here
- OFF: click here and this one with translation
- ON: click here or here to see some of them with translation
- OUT: here you are some here some more
- OVER: as usual here you are some and a video
- UP: click here or here with translation
But you can also learn them in alphabetical order; the problem is that eventually you come across a complete dictionary. If you want to have a try, you can go to this link. Another not so depressing list is this one.
The other page you can use is this one which has exercises; don't worry if you don't know all of them. Try it from time to time to remember them: clik here. As I've already told you the best way is to practise with them so here you are a link with exercises and here you find some more and here.
If you want to do more exercises, remember to search them on the Internet: phrasal verbs exercises+B1 or B2, depending on your level.
See you in class!
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