Wednesday, March 8, 2017

That's English!: Module 6 - lesson 4: Books, books, books!

The title of this lesson is "Books, Books, Books!" so guess what's this about...
Reading is one of the skills that a student must practise while learning a language. Why is reading so important? From my point of view this skill helps you to fix structures, to enlarge your vocabulary and to crystalize typical sentences you can use in your language performance, especially in speaking and writing skills.
Here you are some examples how to improve your reading:
  • Try to use readings adapted for your level: if the text is too easy or too difficult you can`t get interested in it and you're likely lo leave it. the best way is to use adapted versions.
  • Use different kinds of material, not only literature such as magazines, leaflets, texts from the internet, articles...
  • If possible, take texts with audios, to practise reading, listening and phonetics with the same material: first, read the text and try to guess the meaning of the difficult words; then, use the listening without the text to practice listening comprenhesion, and when the text is clear for you, use the text with the audio to fix the pronunciation and entonation.
Here you are some pages to work with reading:
  • For those who love Harry Potter,go to this link; click here
  • Many general pages have a reading section, like these ones: click here, here , here or here
But for many people, reading is just a pleasure, something to have fun. In that case, you have plenty of sites to read texts, especially classic short stories or other texts. Many of them are not adapted but you know the story as it is a classic:

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