Thursday, May 11, 2017

Preparing the final exams: Correcting Mistakes

I 've found these pages for correcting mistakes so I think you could use them to practise for the exam, especially for the writing part. You have to write the right answer and then you have the explanation when you clik on Answer:
  • Intermediate level: click here and here
  • For a higher level, click here
For the oral exam the typical difficulty is to do it fluently and with few mistakes. Let's focus on the main problems:
  • fluentcy and entonation: try to say full sentences and mark a rhythm in your performance; don't rush, say a couple of sentences qhen you speak and try to sound natural
  • accuracy and avoiding mistakes: learn some structures which are useful, mind tenses and use a good vocabulary, especially with the topics of the book
To practise on your own, use your mobile to record your performance, especially the individual part, and try to practise with other students by Skype or by phone.

Reading is not very difficult but if you wnat to practise with cloze tests you can go to this link  and this one for multiple choice for intermediate level. Forn higher levels, you can use this other link by choosing advance level. For advanced level, you can use this other link as well.

If you want to practise with listening comprenhension, you can go to this page for intermediate level and this other for advanced level.

I hope this post will be useful for you all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm learning languages using this platformês for searching native speaking tutors. I've learnt English using this website when was living in Portugal. I'd like to find more ways as additional sources to practice my knowledge. How can you help me?
