Thursday, November 22, 2018

B2.1 - Verbs followed by infinitive or -ING

In lesson 8B we worked with verb pattern, that is, if a verb is followed by infinitive or gerund. We saw some different ways to learn them, so use the links you'll find below to help you with this  grammar point:
  • Using a list: here you are some examples  list 1 (short and easy)   list 2    list 3 and then make your own list or chart. You may make groups of synonims or contraries to help you to memorise the verbs.
  • Doing exercises to memorise:  exercise 1    exercise 2    exercise 3    exercise 4 (list of exercises)    exercise 5    exercises 6
  • Watching videos about the topic like this one or this one
  • Using the verbs with personal experiences (practising on your own): I enjoy watching films and when I don't feel like reading or I don't fancy going to the cinema, I watch a film. I hate being rung at that moment but I don't mind having something to eat. I'm keen on watching detective series as well.
  • Doing exercises of rephrasing: exercise 1 (you can find some other exercises if you go to the links shown on the left of this page)     exercise 2 (a bit more difficult)     exercise 3 (similar to the previous one)
Hope this is useful!


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