Tuesday, April 26, 2016

That's English! - Module 10 - Unit 8: A Good Read

This is a topic about something that most people like: reading. When you are learning a language it's really important to use reading as a tool for improving your level: increasing your vocabulary, fixing grammar structures and giving you more confidence about the language you are learning.
But if you also use a book wit audio you can improve your English faster and further. The more you read the better for you and your English. Here you have some examples:
Apart from these reading links, remember to use these questions for oral practise:
  • What was your favourite book from your childhood?
  • what kind of books do you like reading? Why?
  • What was the last book you read? Tell us something about the plot, the main characters, the setting... did you enjoy it? Why / Why not?
  • Talk about a difficult day or a difficult time you have had recentrly. Use expressions of time.
  • Have you ever been in a book club? If so, what about the experience? If not, why not?
  • Do you ever read book or film reviews? Why (not)? What kind of information would you expect to find in a book or film review? Do you ever recommend books or films?

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

That's English! - Module 10 - Unit 7: Competition

Let's start with general questions:
  • Are you competitive? In what way? Is it a good feature or something negative in a person's character?
  • Is our society getting more and more competitive? Can you think of examples?
  • Are you competitive at work / with your siblings or family / friends / in sports?
  • Is there a goal you achieved in life? How did you manage to get it? Did you fail?
  • Tell us a disappointment you got because you gave up / you threw in the towel.
For practising listening comprenhension, here you are a very good blog from EOI of Zaragoza; this is the one we did in class: click here

Thursday, April 14, 2016

NA1 - Using the expression I wish... (unit 5B)

This is the link we saw in class to practise with I wish; click here. Some other exercises are here: exercise 1   exercise 2    exercise 3
This constuction is very useful for wishes and for regrets. You can practise orally with these exemples to practise:

Wishes  (past simple)
  • to change something in your physical appearence: I wish I were taller
  • to get something: I wish I had a bigger house
Regrets   (past perfect)
  • to change your past: I wish she had told me the truth
Complainsts   (would)
  • when you want someone or something to be different: I wish she would be nicer to me
Here you are the somg suggested in the book: Same mistakes  and another one by the same group One Direction I wish

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

That's English! - Module 10 - Unit 6: How can I help you?

As usual let's start with questions about the topicc:
  • Have you ever complained about services in public places, restaurants, hotels...? What happened? 
  • Explained a time you didn't complain about something but you think you should complain about, starting with I have never lodged a formal complaint over ... because ...
  • Would you like to volunteer your time?
  • What are the most visited landmarks in your country and why it is so?
  • What is your experience with customer service? What do you like and what annoys you?
About grammar we worked with the structure TO HAVE/GET SOMETING DONE. You use it when you get a service so think of all the chances you have to use it in your daily life:
  • health: to have your blood tested, to have your leg x-rayed, to have your blood pressure checked, to have your sight tested...
  • devices: to have your movile fixed, to get your computer repaired, to have your tablet mended, to get your TV set revised...
  • other things: to have your watch fixed, to have your car serviced, to get your washing machine mended, to have your roof repaired, to have your tooth pulled oout, to have your hair done, to have your trees cut, to have  your suit drycleaned, to have your fringe taken up,  to get your garden tended...
To practise with this prompt, go to this link: click here, here and here

NA1 - Adjectives of feelings and mixed conditionals

Here you have the article I showed you in class about using adjectives; it has a list to enlarge your vocabulary: click here
About grammar, we've been working with 2nd and 3rd conditionals. You can see these exercises to practise but I'd rather you used them in your speech and in your writings. Nevertheless, here you are something about mixed conditionals: exercise 1     exercise 2 ( a list of exercises and at the end you have I wish)       exercise 3

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Contest of very short stories at EOI Alcalá de Henares

Here you are the link to vote for the best story in the contest organised by our school. Everybody is welcome to say if they like the stories. Please, click here

NI1 - Unit 6B: parts of the body

Apart from the vocabulary you have on the book, you may be interested in these links:
  • parts of your face: here
  • a video with the pronunciation: here
  • exercises: here  and here
The other thing we have in this lesson is about grammar: modals of duduction. Here you are some links to help you:
 Notice that the modals they use are might, must, can't and the forms could  and may are not so frequent. Remember that can is not use for deduction but for possibility.

If you want to see the video about Susan Boyle, click here