Monday, March 25, 2019

B2.1 - IF ONLY and I WISH

Once we've finished with conditionals, let's see these two forms connected to the conditionals but they express regrests and complaints. The grammar explanation is compiled in these links:i
As usual, let's do some exercises: exercise 1    exercise 2 (explanation+exercise)    exercise 3   exercise 4  (there are 2 more exercises)

In this lesson 10 you have ways of saying things. The one you've got is how to express doubts but there are some which are really useful for the speaking exam:

  • Expressing uncertainty: click here
  • Giving your opinion: click here
  • Expressing agreement and disagreement: click here

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

B2.1 - MAKE & DO

Collocations in a language are very important because they make you sound more natural. Here are you a link which gives you a lot of information about them: click here. If you click here you'll find a list of common collocations

But one of the most difficult collocations for Spanish speakers is the use of DO and MAKE, as they are usual in English but in Spanish we only have one single verb for both and they must be learnt by heart; a list is shown here.

In general, we use MAKE when we use our hands or it is related to building up or constracting something, while DO is more connected with intellectual activities or something more general. To see the difference and a general explanation you can use this video.
Nevertheless, there are some more links to see this grammar point: this video

Monday, March 18, 2019

B2.1 - 3rd conditional or impossible

This is the most complicated conditional either in English or in Spanish. Let's have a look on how to use these sentences. For the grammar explanation you can use this link or maybe this one and this.

To practise with grammar you may do these exercises:

But what it's difficult is to use it in spoken English for two main reasons:
  • how to use the tenses
  • how to pronounce them correctly
Let's see a video about how to use it: click here or here (the man with a beard). This is a video with a situation using 3rd conditional: click here. This last one is BBC 6 minute grammar: click here

NB2.1 - Adjectives followed by prepositions

In lesson 10A we work with this grammar point. The best way of learning is by practising so let's have a look of possible ways of doing exercises:

You can find more exercises on your own if you like, but there is a post for the previous NI1 that could help you; go to this post

See you in class!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

B2.1 - 2nd or Improbable/hypothetical conditional

Lesson 10 is about sports and exercise. You have some vocabulary in your textbook but maybe you'd like to improve it so you may use this link in which you see examples of how to use vocabulary in context. If you want to know something in particular I think it's better to use your favourite dictionary.

If you want to see again the funny video about squash, click here (The Two Ronnies)

The grammar point of this lesson is 2nd conditional or improbable/hypothetical conditional or the use of conditional in general, if you like. To revise conditionals, go to this link or have a look on your own as there are many grammar references on the internet.

The other typical examples of improbable conditional are these:
  • Would you mind if I opened the window?
  • I'd rather you didn't (I'd rather if you didn't do that)
  • If only I had the chance to do that
  • I'd do it if I could
There is another point of grammar introduced in this lesson 10A; use this link to know how to use it

Thursday, March 7, 2019

B2.1 - Contrast connectors

In our textbook, lesson 9D you've got contrast connectors; have a look this useful link (shown in class): click here.
If you need exercises, there are some below: