Monday, April 13, 2020

B2.1 - B1.2 (That's English!)

While correcting your compositions, I've realised you've got plenty of problems with prepositions. This post is a summary of the one you've got in Google Classroom but just in case you've got problems to see it there, I'll give you this summary.
I know it's really difficult to use prepositions properly but the best way to get familiar with them is by doing exercises and practising. But once you've done it writing, make the exercise "personal"; let me give you an example: if you go to this link, you'll see how to use IN, ON and AT for place and time. Once you've seen it, think of sentences you can say about yourself such as:
  • I was born IN Madrid
  • My birthday is ON the 23rd of August
  • My husband's birthday is IN May
  • I always have dinner AT home ON Christmas Day
  • I didn't go away AT Christmas
So you should practise with these exercises and then revise them ORALLY and try to say sentences as the ones given above. But instead of giving you just isolated exercises, I think it's better if you go to these links and you'll find a variety of examples of preposition exercises, that is, after verbs, after adjectives, before gerunds, etc.
Hope it'll be useful!

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