Wednesday, October 30, 2019

B2.1 - Past tenses

Verbs in past tenses can be regular and irregular. The regular ones have a common ending -ED which can be pronounced in different ways /d/, /t/ or /id/.
The irregular verbs have different ways of being formed but I usually recommend to learn them by patterns, as you can see in this link.

Ley's see the different ways of learning/reviewing irregular past:
  • using the first letter: "Irregular verbs starting with... L" (much better if you do it as a competition with your mate, partner or a friend!)
  • using topics: verbs conneted with money (spend / buy / get / steal / lose / pay); with schooling (learn, teach, read, write, speak, do...); with daily activities  (eat, drink, sleep, have, take, go, wear...) or senses (hear, see, feel, smell) and so on.
  • according to the pattern: A-A-AA-B-BA-B-C or A-B-A (remember the photocopy I gave you in class) Here you are a video which explains the groups and it gives you the principal verbs as examples, and then this link with a list of verbs grouped by pattern.
Another problem is the rules of spelling. To review them, click here.

Just in case you lose the photocopy I gave you in class, here you are a traditional list (in alphabetical order) with the meaning in Spanish: click here or here (mind the phonetics in this last link!)

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